Copyright © Village of Pardeeville. All rights reserved.


What is an assessment and what is its purpose?

An assessment is the value placed upon your property by the Village Assessor.  This value determines what portion of the local property tax levy will be borne by your property.

How do I obtain assessment information for a property in Pardeeville?

Property assessments information is available online from the Village Assessor's website at:

Who is the Village Assessor and how do I contact them?

The Village of Pardeeville contracts with Accurate Appraisal LLC for municipal assessment services.  Contact Accurate Appraisal at 920-749-8098 or by email at

Will I be notified if there is a change in my assessment?

Whenever the assessor changes the total assessment of any real property or any improvements taxed as personal property by any amount, the owner must be notified in writing and mailed at least 15 days prior to the Board of Review meeting.

If I disagree with the assessment or classification of my property, what can I do about it?

If possible, you should first arrange to meet with the Village Assessor to examine your assessment records.  When you meet with your assessor, review the records for your property and discuss how your assessment was made.  If you are unable to meet privately with your assessor you should attend the "open book."  "Open book" refers to a period of time before Board of Review when the completed assessment roll is open for examination.

If you have discussed the matter with your assessor and you are still not satisified, make arrangements with the Village Office to appear before the Board of Review.  To assure a hearing, you must provide a written or oral notice of your intent to file an objection to the Village Clerk/Treasurer at least 48 hours before the first scheduled meeting of the Board of Review.  In addition, a written and signed form of objection to property assessment must be filled out and filed with the Village Clerk/Treasurer within the first 2 hours of the Board of Review's first scheduled meeting.  An objection form can be downloaded from the Wisconsin Department of Revenue here: